Yes we do provide further study recommendations to all our graduates. Please check with our course counselor for the list of partner universities.
Yes we do accept credit transfer in our Full-Time courses. Applicants can submit transcript and result to for review.

We offer course fee installment plan up to 3 years, allows students to pay their monthly installment during their 3 years study.

Yes, there is several hostel near by the college. Our course counselor will assist you to find your suitable hostel.

Yes, through our networks in the industries, you are 100% obtain the job you are interested in.
Yes, we provide practical training opportunities to you in order to help you to gain practical working experiences in the industry.
We have 3 intakes per year: Jan, May and September. For enrollment and course inquiries, kindly contact us at

We do offer entrance scholarship for SPM or UEC graduates. Kindly consult our course counselor for more information.

No , there is no special requirement to enroll in two studio. But student need to be at least 16 year old.